Looking Ahead
We are creatively educating the next generation to be strong and courageous disciples of Christ who serve and influence the world for His glory. Looking ahead to the future of our school, we will rely on the following five core commitments: discipleship, academic excellence, community, creativity, and parent partnership.

In the execution of their duties, all teachers, staff, coaches, and administrators will be intentionally engaged in showing students how to follow Jesus in every aspect of their programs and curriculum. While we recognize that we are far from perfect, our goal is to use every subject, class, club, team, performance, field trip, competition, meeting, tutoring session, and daily interaction to draw our students into a meaningful relationship with Christ.
Academic Excellence
Students will achieve academic excellence not only by learning and applying factual information and skills but also by joyfully pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty to the glory and pleasure of God. Our commitment to be excellent academically naturally flows from our commitment to be distinctly Christian in everything we do. We want our students to develop a love for all that is true, good, and beautiful in life.

Harding will be a place where the love of Christ fosters reconciliation and unity in both the school and the greater Memphis area through understanding, empathy, compassion, and respect. We want our students to understand the importance of community and to look for and love the things in life that bring people together. Ultimately, we want to be a place where people do life together in meaningful ways.
The Harding community will be a creative one in which a diversity of voices and talents energetically and passionately worship, build, explore, think, rethink, and grow together. As the world around us gets even more complicated, connected, and challenging, it is our task to teach our students that creativity matters. As created beings, creativity is not an option; it is an absolute necessity.

Parent Partnership
Parents will be engaged with students, teachers, coaches, staff, and administrators in the educational process through powerful partnership and collaboration. In order for this important partnership to work, we all have to be on the same page about the primary goal—providing and supporting whatever is in the best interest of the student. The kind of healthy and meaningful partnership with parents that we desire at Harding Academy involves trust, cooperation, and collaboration.

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