Saturday, November 23, 2024
9:00 a.m. 5k
10:00 a.m. Kids Dash
Our 5k is getting a temporary re-theme! This year, we are running in celebration of our head of school, Trent Williamson, as he undergoes treatment for pancreatic cancer. Trent brings such encouragement and happiness to Harding Academy every day, it only seemed fitting to honor him in this way. Purple is the color of pancreatic cancer awareness, so join us this November in your best purple running gear for the Trent Trot 5k and Kids Dash!
The 5k course is certified by Start2Finish and includes Memphis landmarks such as Elvis’s first house, Dixon Gallery & Gardens, Audubon Park, and Memphis Botanic Gardens.
Thank you to our 2024 Race Sponsors
Randy & Brenda Frederick
Debra & Jerry Sisson
Bluff City
Brent & Elizabeth Patterson
River City
The Associated Agency
The Kevin & Linda Chadwell Foundation
Gaines & Associates, PLLC
Futsal Escola
Powell Group at Morgan Stanley
RVC Outdoor Destinations
Schilling Farms Dental
Blues City
Steve & Suzanne Avery
Bubba & Debbie Edwards
Clearview Family Eyecare
Historic Images
Derek & Marta Mulllinix
Micah & Tiffany Parkhurst
Russann Lumber Co, Inc
Lee & Larry Sisson
U.S. Appliance
Trent & Kristen Williamson
Gary & Lisa Zyriek
First Place Awards
Superlo Foods