Building Disciples for Christ
We believe our spiritual life is connected to all areas of school life—art, academics, athletics, and more. We recognize our connection to God in everything we learn and everything we do. We want to help students recognize God’s deep love for them and let it shape them every day, in every way.
Campus Ministry
The vision of campus ministry is to find a true understanding of who God is, to paint a portrait of what following Jesus looks like, and to impact our community for the fame of his name. Our campus ministry has five specific components.
Intentional Discipleship
At Harding Academy, we are focused on making disciples. This happens in a variety of locations and in many different ways. It may happen between a coach and an athlete on an athletic field or between a band director and a musician prior to a concert. It might even happen between students at the lunch table. We are blessed to hear intentional conversations every day between different people about ways that we can better follow Jesus.
School-wide Spiritual Environment
One of our goals is to extend faith beyond church walls and chapel seats. It is not an uncommon sight to see an athletic team having a devotional before practice or to hear our drama department praying before a performance. You might even walk in on a math class that is praying for a classmate. We know that God exists far beyond church buildings and worship centers, and we hope to meet Him where He already is.
Serving Memphis
We love and embrace our city. We know that Memphis has deep divides and an abundance of brokenness. We also know that Jesus doesn’t run from brokenness but seeks to engage it in Kingdom-centered ways. There are many great people and organizations in Memphis, and we are blessed to partner with groups like Agape, Streets Ministries, HopeWorks, and many others.
Over the past few years, our students have participated in a special day of service with Jesus Loves Memphis, tutored second and third graders at Streets Ministries, organized Christmas parties, collected coats for children, and given socks and towels to our friends at the Memphis Union Mission. We #BelieveMemphis, and we hope you do, too!
Worldwide Missions
In 2013 a student suggested that we take a mission trip to Honduras. Since that time, almost 100 members of the Harding Academy family have made that trip. We are in the early stages of beginning our own mission trip program at Harding Academy, and we look forward to adding new trips in the years to come.
Many of our students also participate in mission trips, both international and domestic, with a church group. They have been to Ghana, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Belize, Guatemala, St. Louis, Atlanta, Miami, Nashville, and many other countries and U.S. cities.
Chapel / Middle and High School (Grades 6–12): Perhaps the most evident sign of our spiritual life is our chapel program. Every other day our students have a chapel experience. Our campus ministers and the chapel planning team are intentional about meeting students where they are and including a variety of experiences that may speak to each student. On some days our entire faculty, staff, and student body gather together in our auditorium for worship or to hear a guest speaker. On other days we break out in small groups to experience a more intimate setting. Some chapels are based on prayer and silence while others may use Play-Doh and markers to allow students to express their own faith.
Chapel / Little Harding and Lower School (Age 18 months–Grade 5): One of the greatest blessings in lower school is having teachers and students gather twice a week for chapel. Class presentations, skits, guest speakers, and messages from student leaders are a few of the ways we learn about God. Several times a year middle and upper school students give chapel presentations and interact with our younger students.
Clubs & Groups
Bible Club
The Bible Club is primarily a service, fellowship, and spiritual growth organization for students in grades 9–12. Students have many opportunities during the school year to be a light in the community and to grow closer to each other and to God.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a national organization open to students in grades 9–12 who are devoted to impacting the world for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. Members are those students who are interested in athletics as a platform for growing in knowledge and service to Christ. FCA provides some opportunities for intramural sports participation.
Girls of Harding
Selected junior and senior girls meet with middle school girls during homeroom several times throughout the year. The program is intended to help middle school girls learn to live as Christians as they meet challenges such as relationships with both boys and girls, social media, conflict, and more. The program also serves to develop leadership and responsibility in older students.
Guys of Harding
Selected junior and senior boys meet with middle school boys during homeroom several times throughout the year. The program is intended to help middle school boys learn to live as Christians as they meet challenges such as relationships with both boys and girls, social media, conflict, and more. The program also serves to develop leadership and responsibility in older students.
Meet our Campus Minister

Jenna King
Campus Minister
Ms. King’s Deep Hope: My deep hope is that the Gospel would spur us on to live good stories, know good stories, and tell good stories.
(901) 767-4494