Tiffany Parkhurst

Tiffany and her husband Micah have two daughters—Olivia, a student at Harding University, and Elena, a 10th grader here at Harding Academy. Tiffany was born in Memphis and graduated from Harding Academy in 1992. In fact, her first job was a Harding Day Camp counselor! Growing up as the child of two long-time Harding employees helped develop the fierce love she has for this school.

Tiffany graduated with a PharmD from the University of Tennessee and worked as a pharmacist for 21 years before transitioning to the position of office manager at her husband’s dental office. She still works at LeBonheur as a pharmacist occasionally. In her spare time, when she is not reading or doing yard work, she loves to explore the Greenline and grab a snack at Jerry’s Sno Cones.

Tiffany and her family are members at the Sycamore View Church of Christ. Her favorite verse is Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
When asked what her deep hope is for the school, she replied, “that the culture at Harding will be one filled with grace, hope, love and understanding—of each other and God’s world.”