little boy wearing fireman hat

Upcoming Event

Spring Break
Mar 10

Spring Break

March 10, 2025 - March 14, 2025

Enjoy your break! All students will be out of school, except for year-round Little Harding.

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School Communications

General school news is communicated through the weekly eNews, the school website, phone calls, mailings, and “backpack communication” from school to home. Parents are encouraged to check the website often for updated information.

Emergency Communications

In the event of an emergency, the following communications will take place:

1. The Harding website will be posted with a message and any instructions; check back regularly.
2. Message will be posted to the school’s social media accounts.

Email and Phone Contacts

Please keep us updated on your contact information, especially your FAMILY email address and PRIMARY phone number. Email addresses and phone numbers used are from RenWeb (source is the enrollment contract). Please update your profile information from the link below.

To ensure that you receive email from Harding Academy, please add and to your address book.


School events and activities should be on either the academic calendars or athletic calendars. Please email Debra Sisson about entries and information related to calendars.

Logo Usage

Any use of the Harding Academy logo must be approved by the communications office before production. This includes use in social media, letters, flyers, notices, publications, spirit store items, fund raising items, clothing, and anything created by faculty, staff, parents, or students. Please contact the communications office for the appropriate logo. Clothing for athletic teams will be approved by the director of athletics.


Contact the communications office to have an item posted on the website. Please note that website submissions are subject to administrative approval and may be edited for clarity. 

Weekly eNews

If you have information for the weekly eNewsletter, it must be approved by the school principal or the communications office for any “all-school” submission. Contact the communications office at if you have questions.

Submissions to Media (regarding Harding or Harding students)

Submissions on behalf of Harding Academy about school events and students should be submitted through the communications office. Please send high resolution photographs at 1–2 MB size and include all names in the photograph, zip codes, and a description about the photo or event.

Communications Contacts

Candice Goff

Candice Goff
Creative Director

Debra Sisson
Website & Media Specialist