Providing Opportunities Outside the Classroom

Clubs and organizations allow students to identify their talents and explore their interests outside the classroom. Through these experiences, they learn valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and service.

This list may change as student needs and interests change. In fact, students often initiate the formation of a club! All Harding-sponsored organizations have faculty advisers and have been approved by the administration.

  • Anime Club

    Grades 9–12
    The Anime Club is for students with an interest in discussion of anime, its relativity to our lives, and the exploration of foreign culture.

  • Bible Club

    Grades 9–12
    The Bible Club is primarily a service, fellowship, and spiritual growth organization for students in grades 9–12. Students have many opportunities during the school year to be a light in the community and to grow closer to each other and to God.

  • Campus Life Ambassadors

    Grades 4–12
    Campus Life Ambassadors (CLA) are student leaders who enhance the experiences of both prospective and new students. CLAs help new students make connections and provide a lifeline throughout their first year. They also help to greet and direct prospective families at various school events.

  • Checkmate Club

    Grades 9–12
    Checkmate Chess Club aims to educate students in the art of chess. Checkmate teaches the basic rules and gameplay, different methods of achieving a checkmate, and the rules and regulations of the game. All students in grades 9–12 are welcome regardless of experience or knowledge of the game.

  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    Grades 9–12
    The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a national organization devoted to impacting the world for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. Members are those students who are interested in athletics as a platform for growing in knowledge and service to Christ. FCA provides some opportunities for intramural sports participation.

  • Film Club

    Grades 10–12
    The purpose of the Harding Academy Film Club is to promote the discussion of film critique and theory; to debate the principle story plot, characters and symbolism of the film; to build fellowship through lively discussion about film making and its relativeness to daily life; to share and educate club members with conversation and review of film; and to organize film screenings for members thus providing an opportunity for experiencing and discussing the films. All students in grades 10–12 with an interest in film are welcome.

  • Honors Organizations

    International Thespian Society (grades 9–12)
    The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the Educational Theatre Association’s student honorary organization and is open to students in grades 9–12. Eligibility is determined through an accumulation of points. Criteria include a 3.0 cumulative unweighted GPA.

    Junior Thespians (grades 6–8)
    Junior Thespians are also a part of the International Thespian Society (ITS). Eligibility is determined through an accumulation of points. Criteria include a 3.0 cumulative unweighted GPA.

    Mu Alpha Theta, Ronn Rubio Chapter (grades 10–12)
    Mu Alpha Theta is the national honor society for high school mathematics. Criteria include a B+ (3.67) or better GPA in Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry or the Honors classes for these courses. Students must have at least a B (3.33) overall GPA and satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom.

    Senior Beta Club (grades 9–12)
    Achievement, leadership, character, service; satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom; cumulative weighted GPA: 4.0 or better. The Beta Club mission statement is, “to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students.”

    Junior Beta Club (grades 6–8)
    Scholarship, leadership, character, service, citizenship; satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom; cumulative weighted average: 4.0 or better in core classes. The Beta Club mission statement is, “to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students.”

    Elementary Beta Club (grade 5)
    Harding Academy is a chapter of the National Junior Beta Club, the nation’s premier organization for recognizing outstanding students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship and character. Students in fifth grade may become candidates for membership. Criteria include GPA, work habits, and conduct. Inductions take place in the fall.

    National English Honor Society, Betty S. Bates Chapter (grades 10–12)
    The National English Honor Society is the only national organization exclusively for high school students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments. Students must have completed a minimum of one semester at Harding before induction and two semesters of English courses with a minimum unweighted 3.67 GPA in those courses. Criteria also include an overall cumulative 3.33 GPA, satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom, and a recommendation from an English teacher.

    Rho Kappa, Ruth B. French Chapter (grades 11–12)
    Rho Kappa is the only national organization for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes excellence in the field of social studies. Students must have completed two core social studies courses with a minimum unweighted 3.67 GPA in those courses. Criteria also include an overall cumulative 3.33 GPA, satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom, and a recommendation from an English teacher.

    Science National Honor Society (grades 11–12)
    The Science National Honor Society is the prominent scientific organization that engenders a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America. Students must be enrolled in at least one honors or upper-level science class each year (junior/senior). Criteria also include an overall B average, B+ average in all science classes, and satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom.

    30+ Club (grades 10–12)
    The 30+ Club recognizes seniors who have a composite score of 30 or better on the ACT (any one testing; no super scoring).

    Tri M Music Society (grades 10–12)
    The purpose of the Tri M Music Society is to inspire music participation, create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, and promote leadership in the music students of secondary schools. Students must have completed minimum of one semester at Harding before induction plus one semester in a music ensemble at Harding with a minimum unweighted 3.67 GPA in music courses. Criteria also include an overall cumulative unweighted 3.33 GPA, a satisfactory conduct in and out of the classroom, and a teacher recommendation.

  • International Justice Mission

    Grades 9–12
    IJM is for any student interested in learning about about injustices in the world and praying about, dreaming about, and discussing how they can help bring the Kingdom of God to earth for all people.

  • Model UN

    Grades 6–8
    Model United Nations, or Model UN, is an educational simulation and academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. Model UN involves and teaches research, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities. Selection is by adviser.

  • Photography Club

    Grades 9–12
    Harding Academy’s Photography Club exists to promote the discussion of photography, its content and its methodology; to share and display original work; to learn from one another and affiliated experts; to build fellowship through constructive critique; and to encourage an appreciation of the art of photography.

  • Student Government Association

    Grade 9–12
    The mission of SGA is to promote the spirit of Christ in the attitudes, thoughts, words, and deeds of our students through servant leadership. SGA integrates our students’ spiritual life and school spirit into all aspects of school-life such as homecoming, chapels, big brother/big sisters, service projects, and Spiritual Emphasis Week. SGA consists of elected executive and class officers in grades 9–12. Criteria for office include good academic and conduct standing with a minimum GPA of B-.