Piano, Gymnastics, Science, and More
Our after-school enrichment program, LEAP, gives students the opportunity to explore their interests and develop new skills outside of the classroom. Short-term classes address a variety of student interests, abilities, and learning styles. Classes are offered in music (instrumental lessons, ensembles), recreation (gymnastics, ballet), enrichment (art, science, study skills, technology), and more.
2024–2025 LEAP Enrichment Classes are now open for registration
WHO: Classes are available for Little Harding–grade 12. That means everybody!
DETAILS: Some classes are for fall or spring only, and some are for entire school year. Prices vary by class. For classes that begin by 3:30 p.m., parents do not have to return to school until the end of the LEAP class.
NOTE: If your child has attended a LEAP class, sports camp, or has attended summer day camp, you already have an online account.


Saleama Ruvalcaba
LEAP Coordinator
(901) 767-5344
Ms. Ruvalcaba’s Deep Hope: My deep hope is that we will value the blessing of education and cultivate a strong desire to creatively learn, to love big, and grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.