Building Confidence through Competition

Middle school athletics build on the foundation developed in our students’ early years. That foundation is physical but also emotional and mental. In middle school sports, students learn how to challenge themselves while encouraging their peers and respecting their competitors.

Middle School Offerings

  • FALL

    Cheer (girls)

    Head Coach: Sheronda Holmes
    Assistant Coaches: Ashley Howard

    Cross Country (boys and girls)

    Head Coach: Sloan Ralph

    Football (boys)

    Head Coach (5/6): Chris Miller
    Assistant Coaches
    : Justin Banker, Noah Guess
    Head Coach (7/8):
    Jesse Cox
    Assistant Coaches (6–8)
    : Jay Adkins, Brandon Thomas, Mack Weaver

    Golf (boys and girls)

    Head Coach (8): Todd Layne
    Assistant Coach: Hunter Smoak

    Soccer (girls)

    Head Coach: Ray Hayden

    Tennis (boys and girls)

    Head Coaches: Micah Dempsey, Jonathan Murphy

    Volleyball (girls)

    Head Coach (5/6): Jules Redd
    Head Coach (7/8) Erin Butler


    Basketball (boys)

    Coach (6): Nicholas Tuggle
    Coach (7/8): Galvin Sims, Sr.

    Basketball (girls)

    Coach (6): Makyah Malone
    Coach: (7/8): Imesia Hudson

    Bowling (boys and girls)

    Head Coach (8): Glenda Adams-Cleaves
    Assistant Coaches: Cynthia Johnson, Aubrey Smith


    Baseball (boys)

    Head Coach: Kenneth Miller

    Soccer (boys)

    Head Coach (7/8): Jesse Cox
    Assistant Coach: Ray Hayden

    Head Coach (5/6): Ray Hayden
    Assistant coach: Jesse Cox

    Softball (girls)

    Head Coach: Jules Redd

    Track (boys and girls)

    Head Coach: Ellie Shelby
    Assistant Coaches: Joshua Dabney, Reid Swolensky

Athletics News

Meet our Athletics Team

Athletics Deep Hope: Our deep hope for student-athletes is to move to deeper faith, through education-based athletics, under the leadership of discipleship-driven coaches, for the Glory of God and the good of Memphis.

Seth King
Athletic Director, Varsity Track Head Coach
(901) 767-4466

Chris Miller
Assistant Athletic Director, Middle School, Physical Fitness 3–5
(901) 767-4466

Sloan Ralph (’11)
Assistant Athletic Director, Varsity Cross Country Head Coach
(901) 767-4466

Stacey Miller
Athletic Office Manager
(901) 747-4466

Rob Kurzinsky
Athlete Development Director
(901) 767-4466

Jenn Cadenas
Athletic Trainer
(901) 767-4466