Listening Through Lent
Lent is the observance of the 40 days leading up to Easter morning and Jesus’ resurrection. Much like Advent, Christians all over the world observe the season of Lent as a way of intentionally reflecting, meditating, and responding in worship toJesus. While Advent tends to be more joyful and celebratory, Lent is a season of repentance and reflection on our great need for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
There are many ways to observe Lent. If your family is looking for a way to intentionally walk towards Easter, this guide is designed to help facilitate that.
This year at Harding is all about learning to listen to God and to others. As we consider Jesus’ sacrifice and the way of the cross, we want to be intentional about listening to our Father and listening to his Word.
For the 40 days of Lent (beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and ending on Easter Day, April 20), you and your family are invited to listen closely to scripture and the story of Jesus.