LEAP Intro to Flight Class
Our LEAP classes are taking off! In this Level 1 Introduction to Flight class, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of aviation. Propellers and engines create power, wings produce lift, the cockpit is where the pilot controls the airplane. Students will learn how flying an airplane different ways, makes them fly differently. Additionally they will see a small drone in flight, showing them a piece of technology that will one day impact their lives in many areas.
The instructor of this class is Brandon Turk. Mr. Turk was recruited by Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak in 2018. He was selected to help run the top tier STEM education company as their Director of Technology. In addition to currently owning a commercial drone company that works with utility companies, engineering firms, and university research programs, Brandon has been contracted through the Department of Defense to work with their submarine force. #hardingstrong