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Spring Break
Mar 10

Spring Break

March 10, 2025 - March 14, 2025

Enjoy your break! All students will be out of school, except for year-round Little Harding.

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2019 Esprit de Corps Award

Congratulations to Melanie Semore, our 2019 Esprit de Corps award recipient.

2019 Esprit de Corps Winner Melanie Semore.jpg

Esprit de Corps is defined as the common spirit existing in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group.

We have been blessed for nearly 68 years by hundreds of people who believed so strongly in Harding that they were willing to give of themselves and to work for a cause that they believed to be bigger than any one person or any one interest. These people have worked tirelessly and unselfishly, often quietly in the background, not needing, seeking, or desiring attention or accolades.

This year’s Esprit de Corps winner came to Harding Academy in 1978. In her 41 years at the school she has taught English, Geography, American History, Computer Literacy, Bible, and served as the advisor to the Shield staff. In 1995, Dr. Harold Bowie chose her to serve as the Vice President for Secondary Education after serving as Supervisor of Instruction. She has faithfully served in this capacity, with a variety of titles, since that time.

This year’s Esprit de Corps winner is a selfless servant who has modeled grace and dignity in the face of numerous challenges. She is a great source of encouragement who always sees the good in others and always advocates for those students who are confronted with a variety of challenges. As a teacher, she has always advocated for those who carry out the mission in classrooms each day and often reminds all of us of our value and worth. Most notably, she possesses and displays a gentle spirit and deep and abiding faith in her Lord and Savior. Her life continues to be one of the most powerful sermons ever preached!

She certainly embodies the definition of Esprit de Corps, and so it is an honor and a joy to present to Mrs. Melanie Semore our 2019 Esprit de Corps Award.