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Upcoming Event

Spring Break
Mar 10

Spring Break

March 10, 2025 - March 14, 2025

Enjoy your break! All students will be out of school, except for year-round Little Harding.

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Harding Bible presentation for students in grades 8–12

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The Bible Ceremony is one of Harding Academy’s most cherished events. In a reverse-graduation ceremony, we welcome our youngest students to Cherry Road by giving them personalized, leather Bibles stamped with their names and the Harding logo. It is our way to say to our students that the Word of God is tightly connected to who we are as a school and is the greatest resource we have for how to find the good life. On Tuesday of this week, we were able to give 91 Bibles to our sixth and seventh graders, as both groups are new to Cherry Road this year.

But what about the students who arrived at Harding after the seventh grade and, therefore, did not receive a Bible? Traditionally, our answer has been to wait until the senior year and give one to them then.

Thanks to Mr. Williamson’s keen sense of the appropriate and to the gracious donations of those who love this tradition, today Harding Bibles were given to ALL students in grades eight through twelve who did not yet have one. The seniors gathered as a class to remind each other of the guidance that can be found in the Bible, then fellow classmates and faculty members affirmed what they love about the twenty-five seniors who have joined their class since the seventh grade. A group picture of the senior recipients follows.

At the same time, all of the other grades were gathered in various locations through the Cherry Road campus in grade-specific chapels stressing the importance of the Bible as well. Thanks to Chris Dahlberg and George Welty who spoke to the tenth and ninth grades respectively. Then, to their great surprise, carts of Bibles were rolled out from hiding, and the students in EVERY grade who were not here in the seventh grade were given theirs. Further affirmation, blessings, and prayers filled the school as well as audible joy in such a great moment. In all, eighty-eight Bibles were handed out today. All of the today’s recipients are pictured below (as well as a photobombing Chris Dahlberg!).

Unfortunately, due to space, time constraints and the element of surprise, parents and family were not able to join us today, but please watch for further pictures of the specific presentations in next week’s Harding eNews. If your child was a recipient, ask him or her all about it!

Today, as the day ends, all students on the Cherry Road campus have Harding Bibles in their hands. That’s just right! Soli Deo Gloria!

Pictures from the individual class presentations: