Veterans Day 2015

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Each Harding campus recognized their veterans with special chapel assemblies.

Cherry Road Upper School Grades 7–12

What a blessing it was to honor our veterans in a special assembly at the upper school campus. The chorus (led by SPS Brooks Gatlin, ARNG) and the senior wind ensemble (led by Colby Canterbury) played patriotic songs for our special visitors, and the University of Memphis ROTC was on campus for the posting of the colors. Veterans, we thank you for your service!

The special video that Mr. Stan Hendrix created to honor the veterans in our Cherry Road families.



In honor of Veterans Day, our lower school campuses honored our veterans and said “THANK YOU” to their moms, dads, family members, and friends with special chapel programs on Friday, November 6. Below are pictures from the two Veterans Day chapels.

White Station Lower School EC2–Grade 6

Cordova Lower School EC2–Grade 6