SGA and Upper School Class Officers Announced

Christianity molds everything in the daily activities of Harding Academy. The Student Government Association (SGA) integrates our students’ spiritual life and school spirit into all aspects of school-life such as homecoming, chapels, big brother/big sisters, service projects, and Spiritual Emphasis Week. The SGA consists of four elected executive officers and five elected class officers for grades 9-12. Officers in grades seven and eight are included in any activity that involves their class.

The purpose of this organization is to promote the spirit of Christ in the attitudes, thoughts, words, and deeds of our students through servant leadership. It is hoped that Harding Academy will rise to a new level of glorifying God by teaching student leaders how to behave in a Christ-like manner as they encourage, motivate, and inspire those that they have been chosen to lead. Our prayer is that the elected student leaders will always strive to put God first in the decisions made that will impact our school and community.

SGA Executive Officers

President:  Carissa Sevier

Vice President:  Jack Webber

Secretary:  Caroline Sisson

Historian:  Abigail Curtis

Treasurer:  Will Jones

Senior Class Officers

President:  Christopher Galbreath

Vice President:  Madison Ramsey

Secretary:  Anna Rogers

SGA Rep:  Sarah Jones

SGA Rep:  Jordan Graves

Junior Class Officers

Hayley Ford

Audrey Inmon

Melissa King

Tyrique Liddell

Karli Williamson

Sophomore Class Officers

Collin Anderson

Anna Claire Gaines

Isabel Lievens

Lugan Luster

Sarah Luttrell


Freshman Class Officers

Avery Efaw

Laura Garrison

Noah Heaton

Deanna Hutson

Ryan Kolznak

Clayton Sharp

8th Grade

Alaina Abbott

Jamie Ezell

Baytes-Gabriel Gordan

Carolina Ordonez

Thomas Rovery

7th Grade

To Be Determined