little boy wearing fireman hat

Homecoming 2014

Sara Jones crowned Homecoming Queen!

Pictured L-R: Macey Darnell with David Jackson; Kristen Gaines with Jonathan Mensi; Sara Jones (Queen) with Skylar Oliver; Kelsi Elkins with Nolan Stevens; Abigail Curtis with Caleb Knight; Lauren Deaton with Cole Williamson.

The 2014 Homecoming festivities culminated on Friday night, October 3, with the crowning of Homecoming Queen, Sara Jones, and a game victory by Harding Academy! Juniors won JUGG. The classes of 2004, 1994, 1984, and 1969 gathered at the alumni tent on the hill for reunions along with a mixture of alumni from many other years! The cross country team sold their famous chilitos and cheesecake and the athletic boosters hosted mouth-watering concessions. The weather was perfect for purchasing spirit wear and the Cherry Road Parents Club supported the SGA (Student Government Association) by selling Homecoming t-shirts. There is still time to order your Homecoming DVD ( $5). Thank you to our parents and faculty sponsors who made this week so special!