2017-2018 SGA executive officers and class officers

Congratulations to our new Student Government Association executive officers!

L to r: Preston Cates, Secretary; Connor Stevens, Vice President; James Darby, President; Thomas Rovery, Treasurer; Alaina Abbott, Historian

Congratulations to our 2017-2018 class officers!

Freshmen Class

Back row (l to r): Adam Heaton, Jonah Sutton, Nathan Bay, Cole Dunham
Front row (l to r): Maddie Canterbury, Camille Carter

Sophomore Class

L to r: Jocelyn Bringht, Brooke Kenworthy, Jordan Clay, Mary Paige Rowsey, Liliana Mohammed

Junior Class

Back row (l to r): Jada Laws, Jamie Ezell, John Denney
Front row (l to r): Baytes-Gabriel Jordan, Alton Taylor

Senior Class

L to r: William Franklin, SGA representative; Elizabeth Monix, SGA representative; Catherine Lock, Secretary; Kendall Force, Vice President; Ryan Kolznak, President