Harding Theater presents “Proof”

Harding Theater had a successful run of the intriguing drama Proof March 28-30. Winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and Tony Award winner for Best Play, Proof follows the life of Catherine, a young mathematician struggles to find her place in the world after the tragic death of her father who was a mathematics genius. He had been a professor at the University of Chicago who did brilliant work early in his career but declined due to mental instability and died in his early 50’s. Catherine inherited some of his genius (and she feared some of his insanity). She gave up her formal schooling to care for her father. Her sister, Claire, came to town to help settle his affairs and to thinks Catherine would be better off in New York with her and her fiancé, but Catherine’s home has always been Chicago. And with a new romantic development in her life, Catherine struggles between her life of mathematics and love, and a new start in New York.